Hathershaw College




We are currently running two Sports curriculums. This page contains the curriculum for current Year 11. Year 10 are on a new curriculum for the Technical Award in Sport, to view the curriculum for year 10 please click on the button below. 

Year 10 Curriculum 

Curriculum Overview

  • Students will consistently be taught to be responsible respectful and determined to lead a Healthy Active Lifestyle using different activities (at KS3 these have been netball, basketball, handball, football, dodgeball, rugby, orienteering, trampolining, fitness, cricket, rounders and athletics) to ensure this then leads to lifelong health and fitness.
  • To provide pupils with the skills, knowledge, rules and tactics of bespoke activities linked to the context and background of our pupils and how to lead activities allowing them to continue to be physically active outside of their educational setting.
  • To create a body of leaders who can organise; drills which will improve performance, competitions, share their tactical knowledge changing this when and where appropriate and justifying these changes and officiating in a number of different situations therefore allowing pupils the opportunity to continue being active outside of school when they go home and when they leave after 5 years.
  • To give the skills and knowledge to pupils to allow their fitness levels to continue to grow throughout their time at Hathershaw. 
  • Students will consistently be taught to be responsible respectful and determined to lead a Healthy Active Lifestyle using different activities (at KS3 these have been netball, basketball, handball, football, dodgeball, rugby, orienteering, trampolining, fitness, cricket, rounders and athletics) to ensure this then leads to lifelong health and fitness.
  • To provide pupils with the skills, knowledge, rules and tactics of bespoke activities linked to the context and background of our pupils and how to lead activities allowing them to continue to be physically active outside of their educational setting.
  • To create a body of leaders who can organise; drills which will improve performance, competitions, share their tactical knowledge changing this when and where appropriate and justifying these changes and officiating in a number of different situations therefore allowing pupils the opportunity to continue being active outside of school when they go home and when they leave after 5 years.
  • To give the skills and knowledge to pupils to allow their fitness levels to continue to grow throughout their time at Hathershaw. 

Curriculum Overview

Sept 2nd - Dec 18th 4th Jan - 5th Feb 8th Feb - 19th Mar 22nd Mar - 30th April 3rd May - 28th May

Unit 2 Practical Performance in Sport 

Students will be taught the skills, techniques and tactics in dodgeball being videoed to enable them to analyse their own performance. They will also be taught how to officiate in rounders and dodgeball allowing them to demonstrate their skills for their assignment. 

An observation checklist will be introduces and develop so that students can analyse their own performance explaining their strengths and areas for improvement and why this is important in the sport. 

Unit 3 Applying the Principles of Training
Students will be taught the anatomy and physiology of the heart, lungs, skeleton and muscles of the body linking these to the effects of training. 


Unit 3 Applying the Principles of Training

Students will be taught how to design a Personal Fitness Training Programme which relates to a sport and the components of fitness required for that sport.

Unit 3 Applying the Principles of Training

Students will complete their training programme demonstrating their safe implementation.

Unit 3 Applying the Principles of Training 

Students will review their training programme recommending improvements in training for the future.

To download this table, please click below.

Curriculum Overview


Medium Term Plans:

Year 11


BTEC Sport SMSC Statement

In BTEC Sport, SMSC and British Values are promoted as an integral part of the subject. The subject naturally provides students with a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about different sports, their bodies and how they react to physical exercise and training and how they can analyse their own performance. As an example, it does this by providing an insight into the rules, regulations and scoring system of dodgeball. In addition, students are regularly faced with vocational scenarios that involve them thinking through sequences of skills and techniques as if they were a coach. Students will look at the strengths of the performer and areas for development. Students also develop their creative skills when they have to plan tactics and strategies which will improve the overall success of the team. Students also gain an insight into the effects of exercise on the body and the long term effects this can produce, this is something that usually produces a high level of engagement. Students also show a willingness to reflect on their experiences as in both Applying the Personal Principles of Training and Practical Sport; the students must watch their own performances and make recommendations for improvement.

BTEC Sport also helps to develop a firm grasp of British Values, particularly democracy and the rule of law. Students learn the rules of particular sports and also have to act as officials. They have to ensure the players adhere to the laws of the game. Morally the students also have to use a sense of justice when officiating. They must make sure they award the correct decision and ensure it remains fair for both teams. Students also have to perform in team situations and therefore have to ensure they can work together to be successful. Students gain an understanding of legislation when using potentially dangerous equipment and how this must be abide by the rules to ensure safe participation. Whilst not part of the specification, time is spent considering some of the legislation of the specified sports and the impact this could have. The implication for students not following legislation or rules of the sports are also considered as part of the contribution to developing the ‘moral’ aspects of SMSC. Students are challenged to consider the difference between sporting behaviour and unsportsman like behaviour that is unethical, for example the difference between being hit with dodgeball and walking off court or staying on court if an official does not see the incident, is acceptable. Students also understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions and the impact that has. For example, in a team setting, if they don’t behave in the correct manner they can be removed from the pitch and this could have a negative effect on their team as they will be a player down.

Students often work together in BTEC Sport, exchanging ideas and respectfully challenging the opinions of others. BTEC Sport is a vocational subject and working with other students developing a range of social skills and engaging with those from different backgrounds, often outside of their normal friendship group is essential. This provides good preparation for life in the work place and modern Britain.

Students show a huge willingness to participate in sporting opportunities throughout BTEC Sport, working together to show performances and develop fitness all showing very good tolerance to each other and respect.


In BTEC Sport, SMSC and British Values are promoted as an integral part of the subject. The subject naturally provides students with a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about different sports, their bodies and how they react to physical exercise and training and how they can analyse their own performance. As an example, it does this by providing an insight into the rules, regulations and scoring system of dodgeball. In addition, students are regularly faced with vocational scenarios that involve them thinking through sequences of skills and techniques as if they were a coach. Students will look at the strengths of the performer and areas for development. Students also develop their creative skills when they have to plan tactics and strategies which will improve the overall success of the team. Students also gain an insight into the effects of exercise on the body and the long term effects this can produce, this is something that usually produces a high level of engagement. Students also show a willingness to reflect on their experiences as in both Applying the Personal Principles of Training and Practical Sport; the students must watch their own performances and make recommendations for improvement.

BTEC Sport also helps to develop a firm grasp of British Values, particularly democracy and the rule of law. Students learn the rules of particular sports and also have to act as officials. They have to ensure the players adhere to the laws of the game. Morally the students also have to use a sense of justice when officiating. They must make sure they award the correct decision and ensure it remains fair for both teams. Students also have to perform in team situations and therefore have to ensure they can work together to be successful. Students gain an understanding of legislation when using potentially dangerous equipment and how this must be abide by the rules to ensure safe participation. Whilst not part of the specification, time is spent considering some of the legislation of the specified sports and the impact this could have. The implication for students not following legislation or rules of the sports are also considered as part of the contribution to developing the ‘moral’ aspects of SMSC. Students are challenged to consider the difference between sporting behaviour and unsportsman like behaviour that is unethical, for example the difference between being hit with dodgeball and walking off court or staying on court if an official does not see the incident, is acceptable. Students also understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions and the impact that has. For example, in a team setting, if they don’t behave in the correct manner they can be removed from the pitch and this could have a negative effect on their team as they will be a player down.

Students often work together in BTEC Sport, exchanging ideas and respectfully challenging the opinions of others. BTEC Sport is a vocational subject and working with other students developing a range of social skills and engaging with those from different backgrounds, often outside of their normal friendship group is essential. This provides good preparation for life in the work place and modern Britain.

Students show a huge willingness to participate in sporting opportunities throughout BTEC Sport, working together to show performances and develop fitness all showing very good tolerance to each other and respect.