Hathershaw College

Digital Information Technology

Digital Information Technology



Curriculum Intent

  • To foster a love for Computing and to make students safe and responsible users of digital technologies by ensuring they understand how their online behaviour and activities can have an impact on themselves and others.
  • To enable our students to develop skills and knowledge in Computing and Digital Technologies in order to prepare them for a future in a world where the use of this technology is fully embedded.
  • To prepare our students for the next stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.
  • To allow students to utilise the benefits of modern technologies and be able to maximise this tool to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them both within and beyond their school life.
  • To allow our students to experience different programming languages to solve problems in order to generate an interest and passion in pursuing this further.
  • To stablish a culture of high aspirations and promote a commitment to lifelong learning.
  • To ensure that all students make outstanding progress in Computing irrespective of their starting points.


  • To foster a love for Computing and to make students safe and responsible users of digital technologies by ensuring they understand how their online behaviour and activities can have an impact on themselves and others.
  • To enable our students to develop skills and knowledge in Computing and Digital Technologies in order to prepare them for a future in a world where the use of this technology is fully embedded.
  • To prepare our students for the next stage of education, employment or training and enable them, as educated citizens, to contribute to creating a better world.
  • To allow students to utilise the benefits of modern technologies and be able to maximise this tool to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them both within and beyond their school life.
  • To allow our students to experience different programming languages to solve problems in order to generate an interest and passion in pursuing this further.
  • To stablish a culture of high aspirations and promote a commitment to lifelong learning.
  • To ensure that all students make outstanding progress in Computing irrespective of their starting points.

Curriculum Overview


User interface 
Students will investigate two different types of user interface. They will look at the audience's requirements, including their accessibility needs, skills level and demographics. They will also learn about different design principles that have been used to allow both appropriate and effective user interactions with hardware devices.

Planning and design a user interface
Students will learn about selecting appropriate project planning tools and methodologies to create a project plan, including outlining the timescales, possible constraints and risks in their project. They will produce an initial design for a user interface that meets user input, output and accessibility needs. Their initial design will show the designs for at least four different screens in their user interface. 

Develop and review 
Students will follow their plan and create a user interface using appropriate software such as MS PowerPoint. They will then obtain feedback from potential users and refine the user interface until it is complete. They will also evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their user interface.


Data in organisations 

Students will learn about how data collection methods and the data collection features affect the quality of data and decision making across two different sectors/organisations. 

Cyber security 
Students will learn about why computer systems are attacked and investigate internal and external threats to organisations. They will also learn about data protection and relevant computer legislation.



Creating a Dashboard
Students will use MS Excel to create a working Dashboard using a given set of data. They will use different tools and functions to analyse and present data in a meaningful way that can then be used to help an organisation to make effective business decisions.


Students will then draw conclusions on the data set, using their dashboard in order to make recommendations.

Wider implications of Digital Systems
Students will learn about equal access to technology and net neutrality. They will also learn about different policies related to the use of technology including data protection principles, intellectual property and criminal use of computer systems.

Planning and Communication

Students will learn about information and data flow diagrams and how to interpret information 

 Exam preparation & Revision

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Curriculum Overview 2021-23


What your child will learn in:

Computing SMSC Statement

In Computing and ICT, SMSC and British Values are promoted as an important part of the subject. The subject naturally provides students with a sense of enjoyment and fascination in learning about the world around them and allows students to explore how technology has improved our everyday lives. Computing also allows students to reflect on how computers can sometimes perform better in certain situations than humans but ultimately understanding that human interaction and input is necessary and paramount to the output being produced. It opens up opportunities for students to debate on aspects like ‘should humans be replaced with robots for particular jobs’. This makes students think about how evolving technologies will shape future generations. (The recent events of A Levels and GCSE exam results demonstrated the need for this and the implications of over reliance on computer algorithms alone).

Using technology safely and responsibly is embedded within all aspects of the Computing and ICT provision. Through real-life scenarios, students are given the opportunity to consider issues surrounding the misuse and access rights to personal data. This encourages students to make informed judgements based on the evidence rather than their preconceptions whilst allowing the students the time to reflect on the origins of their perception of the topic. Students consider the effects of social networking and the consequences of cyberbullying; they also consider the legal aspects of Computing including the Computer Misuse Act and Copyright legislation. They consider the implications of file sharing, downloading illegally and the penalties for engaging in this type of activity. Throughout the Computing and ICT lessons, students are consistently reminded of the correct protocol and behaviour of using the internet safely.

The Computing/ICT curriculum helps students to explore aspects of real and imaginary situations and enables them to reflect on the possible consequences of different actions and situations. It can raise issues such as whether it is morally right to have computer games whose aim is killing and violence, and whether it is fair that some people in this country and other countries cannot use the internet. This will allow students to recognise the difference between right and wrong, unlawful acts, understanding the potential consequence of their behaviour and actions.

Within the Computing and ICT lessons, students are taught to produce work which is suitable for the needs of a diverse audience. Students develop their skill in a range of software to help present work which is fit for purpose. This allows students to express themselves clearly and to communicate effectively. Students are encouraged to carry out group activities and collaborate to help develop their social skills. This is particularly prevalent through the design aspects of a project where student provide feedback to each other.

Computational thinking is embedded in the curriculum which encourages students to develop and explore their problem-solving skills. Students can apply the skills learnt in programming to other subjects e.g. Maths. Students explore how developments in technology have changed our culture, particularly the increasing use of social networking sites and the ability to communicate instantly across the UK and International borders. This allows students to recognise how technology has reduced cultural barriers and improved communication with other parts of the world whilst at the same time being aware of the wider implications of having unequal access to technology both individually as well as by groups/regions. For example, developing countries may not have the infrastructure or the capabilities of having readily available access to the internet or the challenges faces by those living in rural locations. They learn more about modern technologies such as cloud storage and computing and explore issues surrounding inclusivity and accessibility. Cyber security is also explored further and students gain a better understanding of why systems are attacked and both the moral and legal implications of breaches are looked at.