RE (Core)
Curriculum Intent
The Humanities Faculty comprises three core subjects, History, Geography and Religious Studies. Vocational Travel and Tourism is also offered at KS4. Collectively these subjects aim to create global citizens who have a secure understanding of the world around them and the relationship between our past, present and future.
Across all Humanities subjects, the curriculum aims to inspire pupil’s curiosity and fascination about the world, its people and its past. Pupils are encouraged to study the complexity of the Earth through the study of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and places, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. As pupils progress, they should develop a sophisticated understanding of the relationship between the Earth’s key physical and human processes and explain how this has been shaped and changed over time. The curriculum is rich with SMSC opportunities which allows students to develop a greater level of tolerance, alongside understanding and empathy towards people, cultures and the environment.
The aims of the curriculum are to allow students to:
- Think, write, communicate and read as well as experts in their field.
- Study a range of religious topics which broaden and deepen their understanding of the world around them and the influences on human’s behaviours.
- Investigate the impact of religious beliefs and teachings on individuals, communities and societies, whilst being able to apply a wide range of religious and philosophical vocabulary and sources of evidence consistently and accurately.
- To reflect on their position as Citizens of the UK and the wider world in order to develop a sense of identity and belonging which underpins the core British values.
- Understand the key concepts of each discipline and use them to make connections, draw contrasts, analyse trends and frame valid questions
- Grow cultural capital through a range of opportunities and experiences both within and outside of the classroom.
- Be prepared for adult life, employment and lifelong learning through the development of transferable skills, self-regulation and independent study.
What your child will learn in KS3 Core RE
Click on the topics for more information.
HT1 | HT2 | HT3 | HT4 | HT5 | HT6 | |
Y7 |
Sikhism: How does Sikhism promote equality?
Christianity: Is Jesus God Incarnate?
Christianity and Islam Life after death: What happens when we die? |
Y8 |
Christianity and Islam: Religion, Peace and Conflict |
Y9 |
Religion and Life |
What your child will learn in KS4 Core RE
HT1 | HT2 | HT3 | HT4 | HT5 | HT6 | |
Y10 |
Social Injustice |
Marriage and Family |
The Environment |
RE SMSC Statement
In Citizenship, SMSC and British Values are a fundamental part of the subject. The curriculum is designed as a spiral-curriculum, which is age appropriate, with an aim of developing well-rounded global citizens. From Year 7 through to Year 11 the students are challenged to think about their perspectives on many fascinating and important topics. The subject therefore naturally provides a sense of fascination and enjoyment as the pupils explore their thoughts and opinions and respectfully debate with others. As an example, the students are taught about the British democratic political system and have a chance to develop an understanding of what this system means for them as British citizens. In each year the students revisit politics and build on their knowledge throughout their school journey. They are given the opportunity to reflect on their beliefs which will help them to make informed decisions when they reach the voting age.
The students explore their place in the world as global citizens. They learn about the freedoms we enjoy as British citizens and the rule of law. They are given the opportunity to investigate how other countries treat their citizens. The students are taught about collective responsibility which enables them to think about how other people live around the world and their role in the world community. They learn about different cultures and develop a strong sense of tolerance.
Careers education is also taught in citizenship and the pupils are encouraged to think about their future and reflect on their possible pathways. The students are provided with opportunities to investigate different careers and learn about the labour market. This builds a sense of fascination as they explore and develop ideas of their dreams and goals.
Relationship, health and sex education are also taught in citizenship. The new statutory guidance, September 2020, forms an essential part of the curriculum. The students are encouraged throughout each year group to understand how different relationships work and to develop a strong sense of tolerance. The teaching and learning also helps the students to explore moral issues and which will enable them to make informed decisions as they grow into young adults.
The students often work together in groups to discuss and respectfully challenge other opinions. This helps develop their social skills as they work with people from different backgrounds, working outside of their usual friendship groups and developing strategies to communicate in a respectful way.