British Values/SMSC
At The Hathershaw College, we are dedicated to promoting values which ensure that our students develop a strong sense of social and moral responsibility. We prepare our students for life in Modern Britain by developing an understanding of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
These values underpin the work we do and are promoted at various times throughout the school year, extending beyond the classroom with a wide range of visits and experiences.
As School Leaders and Governors, we are responsible for providing a curriculum which:
Is broad and balanced, complies with statutory requirements and provides a wide range of subjects which prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life in Modern Britain.
Actively promotes the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance.
Promotes tolerance of and respect for people of all faiths, no faith and of different cultures through the effective spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils.
Is supported by a well-rounded programme of assemblies which offer clear guidance on what is right and wrong, with opportunities for students to reflect.
What we do |
Examples |
We provide opportunities for students to be reflective about their own beliefs and perspectives on life, and the extent to which they are the same as and different to others’ faith, feelings and values |
- RE is delivered at both key stages.
- Learning for Life lessons (PSHE) which is part of the curriculum for all students.
- Assemblies which are all logged and recorded to continually audit our provision.
- English, for example through poetry
- Science, for example “The Big Bang” and creationism, cloning
- History, through examining the link between conflicts and religion
We encourage students to show an interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues, and appreciate the viewpoints of others.
- RE
- Learning for Life (PSHEE)
- English
- History
- Geography
- Science
- Business Studies
- Charity fund raising
- Hathershaw Acts of Kindness (HAK)
- Productions held in school, for example “From One Extreme to Another” and “Somebody’s Sister, Somebody’s Daughter”
We encourage students to have a sense of enjoyment and a fascination for learning about the world around them |
- Foreign Language trip to Paris
- History trip to the battlefields of Northern France
- Artists in Residence
- Theatre visits
- Good links with a range of Universities to encourage students to have high aspirations and a desire to continue learning beyond school
- An international dimension to Assemblies
- Visits by authors to encourage reading eg Cathy MacPhail, Matt Dickinson, Bali Rai
- Duke of Edinburgh
- Technology (Food from around the world, influences from other cultures on Textile design)
- CIAG (Learning for Life Lessons and the Careers Service)
We ensure that students know the difference between right and wrong and understand that actions have consequences so that they respect the rule of law |
- Behaviour Policy
- Rewards, including: the embedded use of E-Praise; weekly Year Manager Awards which are publicised around school and on our website; rewards trips in the Summer Term
- Celebrating success through half termly assemblies and our annual Presentation Evening
- Excellent links with the Community Policing Team, including Restorative Justice
- History lessons
- Learning for Life (PSHE) lessons
- PE lessons, including developing the skill of officiating
- Fire Cadets
- Keeping our Girls Safe
- Anger Management Counselling
We celebrate diversity and develop the mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs |
- RE lessons
- Learning for Life (PSHE lessons)
- A range of assemblies celebrating the major faiths represented at the College
- Banners displayed outside the College recognising key times in the year for the religions represented at the College including Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Diwali, Easter and Christmas
- Ensuring that the College calendar and holiday pattern, wherever possible, provides students with time to celebrate important festivals
- Technology, for example lessons involving Halal food
- Science lessons
We encourage students to engage positively with a life of democracy |
- Elections for the Head Boy/Girl and Headteacher’s Council
- Assemblies recognising the move towards democracy happening around the world
- Learning for Life (PSHE) lessons
- History lessons
- Pupil stakeholder surveys
- Elections to decide which charities to support
- Visits from our local MP (Rt Hon Michael Meacher) and local Councillor
- Assembly programme, for example what it means to be British and the institutions that underpin democracy
In conclusion, we believe that we allow our students to recognise right from wrong, resolve conflicts, understand and explore diversity, develop a moral code, understand others’ beliefs and understand how communities function. These qualities will allow them to participate fully in life in Modern Britain.
British Values Statement